Revising resume for Jobs in China

Although updating a resume can always be a bit painful, it is something we should do every year or so, or at least every time we look for a new job. If you want to find your first job in China, you need to spend more time meeting the self-evident resume requirements of this customary country. Here are some tips for modifying resumes while working in China. Order Like other resumes, your Chinese resume should not exceed two pages. You want the information to be clear, concise, and direct without losing any relevant details. As usual, write your resume in reverse chronological order, with your personal information at the top of the first page, followed by your employment history, and then your education history. If your educational background is more impressive than your employment history or more relevant to the position you are applying for, then put it first. At the bottom, list the recommenders and their contact information, or simply state that 'recommenders can be provided upon request' Personal information Chinese employers may expect to see more information from personal information than we are accustomed to providing in Western resumes. Some Chinese people will include their marital status and whether they have children. However, as China is striving to combat discrimination based on these reasons, we do not recommend that you share this information unless you are truly willing. Married women without children often find it difficult to find work in China because employers are concerned that they will take maternity leave in the near future. You need to provide your full name, address, phone number, and email address as usual. If you are already in China or have established a WeChat account from afar, be sure to attach your WeChat ID, as many employers and human resources personnel prefer this communication method. Chinese resumes should also include your date of birth and gender, as Chinese employers may not be able to automatically calculate the latter. Finally, unless you really object, attach a avatar to your resume or as part of the application package. Although most jobs are not related to your appearance, Chinese employers consider avatars to be an important component of their application. Photos can be passport sized. Make sure you look smart and dress conservatively. Work experience You need at least two years of work experience in the relevant field to obtain a work visa for most foreign nationals working in China. Ensure that your resume date adds up to this, and you can obtain a signed letter from your previous employer to prove it. When you write down your work experience on your resume while working in China, you should be more detailed. For each position, list the position, company, and time you worked there as usual, but also provide a concise explanation of the responsibilities you have fulfilled and assigned to you. List any promotions or skills obtained, but try not to brag, as this is looked down upon in Chinese society. A Chinese employer may not necessarily understand what a certain character needs in the West, so it is important to elaborate, but to remain humble and resist the language of prosperity. Education This part is particularly important for China, as without a bachelor's degree, you will not be able to obtain a work visa. Also note that you need to use your original certificate to prove your degree in order to obtain a work visa. In addition to a university degree, be sure to include any other diplomas or awards you have obtained during your education. This kind of thing is not just bragging, it left a deep impression on Chinese employers. Language When redesigning a resume for a job in China, include a section on language. Almost all foreigners working in China require a certain level of English, so please indicate whether this is your native language or your native language. Distinguish your speaking, reading, and writing abilities, and include any information from the recognized tests you have taken. For many foreigners, speaking Chinese is not essential, but it is certainly a huge advantage. Similarly, including your level of Chinese speaking, reading, and writing, as well as your HSK level if you took the exam. If you really want to leave a deep impression, please provide both Chinese and English versions of your resume. Hobbies You can write your personal interests and course activities at the end of your resume, but it is not necessary in China. If you do include it, try using this section to further explain your organizational or team work abilities. For example, perhaps you are the captain of a local sports team or have worked as a volunteer. Like any resume, if your interests are reading, dining out, and watching movies, it may not be worth including this section unless it is to prove your strong interest in Chinese culture (such as reading Chinese literature, cooking Chinese cuisine, watching Chinese movies). If employers are interested in your resume, they may inquire about your expected salary and availability before committing to an interview. Conduct some research on the possible salary range for the position you are applying for, as you may find that these salaries are significantly different from your expectations in your home country. Salaries also vary depending on the city where the job is located. It's better to ask too much than to ask too little, but you don't want to be eliminated by implying something truly absurd. You may also be asked to provide your previous salary, so prepare these salaries and exchange them into RMB to ensure that everyone is on the same page. Okay, you are now ready to start redesigning your resume for your job in China.

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