Scoop a bargain

Scoop a bargain It could be said that Shenzhen's large shopping complex in Luohu is as well-known as the border to Hong Kong it's built next to. For many years, the Luohu Commercial City was a shopper's paradise, taking on a near-mythical status with foreigners salivating for dirt-cheap copy items. With the advent of TaoBao and the general rise of prices in China, however, Luohu Commercial City is not as overrun as it once was. That's probably a good thing though, as shoppers can still get great deals on tailor made suits, sportswear, casual business wear, electronics and handbags without the crush. Another advantage is that since the shopping center has seen a bit of a drop in popularity, the shop owners have become a lot more direct in their pricing. Hard haggling therefore isn't as essential as once was, which may come as a relief to tired shoppers.

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