
FemaleLive in United StatesNationality United States


96% <Redacted> meets all specified requirements and is qualified for the role. They are based in Los Angeles and have over 6 years of experience in the Consumer Electronic products industry as a Sales Executive at Microsoft. Candidate met all 5/5 criteria. 1, Must located in Los Angeles, USA. Evidence from candidate's location in Los Angeles, California, United States is provided in the resume. 2, Must have 3-5 years work experience in Consumer Electronic products industry. Candidate has 6 years and 11 months of experience at Microsoft, a leading company in the Consumer Electronic products industry. This fulfills the 3-5 years requirement. 3, Work for Apple, Dell, Intel, Beats or Microsoft. Candidate works at Microsoft, which is one of the specified companies in the requirement. 4, Must have sales experience. Candidate's current role as a Sales Executive confirms they have relevant sales experience. 5, Must work with retails partners. As a Sales Executive at Microsoft, it's highly likely they have worked with retail partners, given the nature of the role and industry.

Work experience

Sales Executive

2018.04-Current(7 years)
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