Doctor for institucional care
Male29 y/oDoctorLive in MexicoNationality Mexico
Dr capable of clinical View in a general basis, knowong limitations of services, AND the need of derivation when a specific speciality needs to be first attendant of a situación
3rd year Resident in Ginaecology AND Obstétrics, 1 year to become a certified Ginaecologist
Capable of follow up of High risk pregnancies, AND capable of do suegery when needed
Also with a open mind for business out of my speciality, wanting to dversify earnings, motivated by moving money AND doing different stuff
Work experience
Medical resident
Instituto nacional de perinatologia
2022.02-Current(3 years)
Medical resident for 3rd year, in progress to become a ginaecologist
Secretaria de Salud CDMX
2021.01-2022.01(a year)
Medical attendant in follow up services at a medical instalación, for chronic diasease, pregnancy control, abortion under controlled situations, etc
Intern as medical student
Hospital Español "La Bene" San Luis Potosi
2020.01-2021.01(a year)
In charge of the medical attention in first contact with people at ER, Also implemented safe guidelines and care standars whole COVID-19 pandemic arrised
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