Best Educational Organization

School Education
Company profile
Best Educational Organization (BEO) is located in the city of Zhengzhou, the capitol of Henan province in China. Centrally located, Zhengzhou is a major transportation hub that offers easy travel to locations in Mainland China as well as international destinations. Founded in 2001, BEO now encompasses 4 kindergartens, 2 elementary schools, 1 junior/senior high school, and 1 English training center. With approximately 700 faculty members and 4000 students, BEO is the largest K-12 educational organization in Zhengzhou City. Among all the programs offered at elementary school level, international classes are part of a unique program that provides students with an American curriculum, taught entirely in English, that fosters growth and creativity in the classroom. A strong emphasis on the English language and character building is at the heart of our curriculum.