Eternal Sea International Kindergarten

School Education
Company profile
Eternal sea International Education Institute was established in 2005 by MS. Haiyan Jin, a childhood education specialist, an MBA holder, a qualified AMI Montessori teacher, and the great mother of a 7-year-old daughter. She has been dedicated to the research of childhood education for eight years now. As a non-profit private education institute, Eternal Sea International Education and its International Kindergarten provide "whole person" exclusive education programs to foster future top university students, and renowned professionals, managers, sport stars, and even perhaps Nobel Prize winners. 恒海国际教育机构和恒海国际幼儿园皆为非营利教育组织,成立于2005年。创办人靳海燕育儿专家-MBA工商管理硕士、AMI国际蒙台梭利教师、7岁女儿的妈妈,致力于婴幼儿、中小学教育发展和研究8年,推出从小全面塑造未来国际常青藤学府人才、高端领域专业精英、全球知名企业家、国际体坛巨星和诺贝尔奖获得者等的全人精华国际教育项目。 Ms. Haiyan Jin and her international staff team believe it is definitely achievable that a two-month-old child can speak, a nine-month-old child can read, a two-year-old child can read and communicate in English and Chinese, a ten-year-old child can successfully pass IELTS; and a fifteen-year-old child can have a great score on the SAT. This philosophy undoubtedly indicates a major scientific breakthrough in the understanding of child brain development. 靳海燕女士和她的中外教职团队相信:孩子2个月开口说话,9个月认读,2岁中英双语阅读和交流,10岁考雅思,15岁考SAT。已不再是神话,是现代科学对婴幼儿大脑功能开发的再次突破。