Hunan MC Technology Co., Ltd.

Company profile
Hunan Weisuan Internet Information Technology Co., Ltd. was founded in 2015. It is a pioneer in ARM cloud computing research and development in China and a leading enterprise in the R&D of "ARMVM" virtualization technology. Currently, the company has more than 300 employees, with its headquarters in Changsha and subsidiaries in Guangzhou and Beijing. Since 2019, the company has established a strategic partnership with ARM China and received Series A investment from Baidu, a giant Chinese internet enterprise, in 2017. In June 2020, Weisuan Internet officially became a wholly-owned subsidiary of Baidu. Our mission is to utilize this strategic partnership to promote technological innovation and service optimization, providing world-class virtualization platform applications and services to global users. 湖南微算互联信息技术有限公司成立于2015年,是中国从事ARM云计算研发的先行者,也是“ARMVM”虚拟化技术研发的领先企业。目前员工总数已达300余人,总部位于长沙,并在广州、北京建立子公司。自2019年以来,公司与ARM中国达成了战略合作关系,并于2017年获得中国互联网企业巨头百度公司的A轮投资。2020年6月,微算互联正式成为百度的全资子公司。我们的使命是利用这一战略合作,推动技术创新和服务优化,为全球用户提供一流的虚拟化平台应用和服务。