Shenzhen J.R Senior High School

Education & Training
Company profile
Shenzhen Jieren High school in the United States, located in Xinhu Street, Guangming District, Shenzhen, was invested 280 million yuan by Shenzhen Jieren (Ma Shi) Education Group. It is a high starting point, high standard and high-quality private high school approved by Shenzhen Education Bureau in 2018. The school covers an area of over 20000 square meters, with a reasonable distribution of teaching areas, sports areas, and living areas, and complete functions. The garden style campus and English style architecture complement each other, are beautiful and elegant, rich in Chinese and Western cultural heritage and style; Convenient transportation and quiet atmosphere provide a solid hardware foundation for high starting point, distinctive, high-quality, and high-quality education. It is an ideal place for students to study. The school adheres to the educational philosophy of "running a happy school for teachers and students", cultivating modern high-quality talents with Chinese sentiments and international perspectives. In terms of curriculum design: The school takes the characteristics of small languages as its breakthrough point, and highlights the four subjects of biology, politics, history, and geography in the college entrance examination. It promotes strengths and avoids weaknesses, and runs a school with all characteristics. In terms of class configuration: implement a quasi small class and dual track system; Combination of administrative class and teaching class, double track of class teacher and Mentorship system; Flexibility and orderliness, strict management without death, and polymorphism. In terms of teacher allocation: implement a 1+N model. Adopting expert governance and renowned teachers; Experience sharing and assistance, aged middle-aged and young, to create a school teacher team with outstanding characteristics. 深圳杰仁高级中学,位于深圳市光明区新湖街道,学校由深圳市杰仁(马氏)教育集团投资2.8亿元兴建,是深圳市教育局2018年批准设立的一所高起点、高标准、优质化民办高中。 学校占地面积20000多平方米,教学区、运动区、生活区分布合理,功能齐全。园林式校园与英伦式建筑,相得益彰,优美典雅,富有中西方文化底蕴和格调;交通便利、闹中取静,为高起点、特色化、精品化、优质化办学奠定了良好的硬件基础,是莘莘学子理想的求学之地。 学校秉承“办师生幸福的学校”的办学理念,培养具有中国情怀、国际视野的现代高素质人才。 课程设置上:学校以小语种特色作为自己的突破口,高考选科上突出生物、政治、历史、地理四科,扬长避短,办一所有特色的学校。 班级配置上:实施准小班化、双轨制;行政班、教学班相结合,班主任、导师制双轨;灵活不乱、严管不死、多态有序。 师资配备上:实行1+N模式。采取专家治校,名师**;经验上传帮带,年龄上老中青,打造一支具有杰仁特色的学校教师队伍。