The Victor Education

School Education
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The Victor Education Victor Commander is designed to create a training experience that specifically meets the needs of students and families in Victor Education. There are other worldwide training programs that adapt their standardized models (military school, adventure camps, and military preparation for US military initial entry training) to meet the needs of this unique population, but the Victor Commander is not adapted, it is precisely focused toward the unique needs of Victor Education, the participants, and the families it is designed to serve. All three programs (scout, cadet, officer) offer progressive opportunities to experience adventure and rigorous physical training while also being immersed in a leadership practicum. Victor Commander trainees apply leadership instead of simply learning about leadership in a classroom. Key to our organizational model is that the professional leaders who lead the programs and participate in the programs are the models for the behaviors are constantly trying to imbue in the trainees. There is no substitute for leaders being a part of training! We are surrounded by programs throughout the world where people who run programs fail to model the behaviors expected of the trainees. “做最好的教育服务”是胜者教育的愿景。在过去的17年中,胜者教育一直致力于为青少年个人、家庭、社会提供素质教育平台,主张通过广识教育培养青少年的专项技能、道德品质、行为习惯、价值观和世界观。多年来,我们通过素质教育课程的研发,为提升团队合作、领导力、坚韧意识、强健体魄、演讲表达、思维方式、创新思维、公益行为等关键能力提供了可行的落地方案。 “让孩子们成为真正的胜者”是胜者教育的使命。2018年,胜者教育正式推出“胜者汇”,为胜者的学子们打造全生命周期的“终生”教育服务体系,通过多维度“6商”能力成长管理体系,教育双辅助体系一一父母成长培训体系+优质教育资源圈层支撑,专属、稀缺、定制、系统化的研学体系--“超级营”系列研学课程,让孩子们真正成长为具备国际视野与格局顶尖人才。 胜者教育坚持“学员第一、诚信、担当、用心、专注的价值观,持续为学员提供最优质的教育服务,积极进取、勉力创新,不负学员与家长的期望与支持,为青少年教育事业,一往无前。 胜者教育成立于2003年,致力于青少年教育。“读懂孩子,助力梦想”是胜者教育的理念。17年来,胜者教育不断打磨课程体系,力求将孩子培养成具备:求真、独立、自由、责任、尊重、行动等优良品质的世界公民,得到了广大学员和家长的认可和肯定。