Vspace Tech&Dev Ltd.

Computer software
Company profile
We  are a technology startup featuring in VR (Virtual-Reality) field and  developing real innovative products. The founder and CTO is a  33-year-old German and senior system engineer. The team locates in  China's silicon valley - Shenzhen, for best access of resource in HW  prototyping and SW development, as well as for the huge China market. Our  team started in July 2014 and already went through prototyping and user  verification period. With the latest prototype, we've got investments  in November 2016 from several local famous investors. Now  we seek for passionate 'doers' and 'makers' who are excited about  discovering new and innovative ways to push virtual reality to new  limits. You'll work with top developers, craft-man-spirit engineers and  the most talented artists. 公司为VR(虚拟现实)领域充满活力的创业团队,致力于开发真正具有创新性的产品。创始人兼CTO是一位33岁的德国工程师,工业自动化行业专家,涉猎极广的技术GEEK。开发团队一半为外籍,皆为各领域的精英人士。  我 们正在寻找既有这份热情、又有足够技术经验的开发者,和我们一起,探索崭新而独创的方法,将虚拟现实技术推向一个新高度。加入我们,你将与最挑战技术极限 的开发者、最具工匠精神的工程师、以及最具创意和才华的设计师一起工作;搭建新模型,设计新的互动技术,将尖端的软硬件不断整合优化,创造最惊艳的产品。  团队凭借第一版解决方案,业已获得著名投资机构的融资,下一步将大规模产品化,公司进入高速成长期。 