Business Coordinator based in Russia 驻俄罗斯业务跟单

10000 CNY~15000 CNY/Per month

1~3 years
Refresh at 4 months ago
1 Apply
Job responsibilities
1. Assist the department manager to manage all marketing activities and management of the overseas marketing department; 2. Assist in the daily communication and information transfer between salespersons and customers; 3. Assist the department manager in drafting and translating relevant documents, and prepare, organize and provide all kinds of documents required by the market in time. 4. Be responsible for the initial review of the sales activities of the salesman's expenses, and regularly issued a breakdown of the use of expenses, and to the financial accounting department for review; 5. Responsible for the domestic counterpart of the Russian order processing, order confirmation, instructions conveyed, tracking and implementation. 6. Tracking the domestic production progress, can independently deal with various problems in the work, adaptability, able to maintain good communication with factories and customers; coordination between the factory and the customer matters. 7. Follow up the production schedule and quality control inspection to ensure that the delivery is on time and in good quality. 8. Completion of other tasks assigned by superiors 1. 协助部门经理对管理海外营销部的所有的营销活动及管理工作; 2. 协助业务员与客户之间的日常工作沟通和信息传递; 3. 协助部门经理对相关文件的起草及翻译工作,及时编制、整理及提供市场所需的各类文件资料 4. 负责初审业务员各项销售活动费用,并定期出具费用使用明细表,及向财务会计门送审; 5. 负责对接国内跟单对俄罗斯订单的处理、订单确认、指令传达、跟踪落实等。 6. 跟踪国内生产进度,能独立处理工作中的各种问题,应变能力强,能够与工厂及客户保持良好的沟通能力;协调工厂与客户之间事项。 7. 跟踪生产货期及品质监控检验,确保按期按质交货。 8. 完成上级交付的其他工作任务。
Job requirements
1. College degree or above, proficient in Russian and Chinese 2. More than 2 years of work experience or related professional knowledge; 3. Proficient in the use of office soft; 4. Work carefully and responsibly, have a certain degree of pressure-bearing ability 1. 大专以上学历,精通俄语,中文熟练; 2. 有2年以上工作经验或相关专业知识; 3. 熟练使用办公软; 4. 工作细心负责,有一定的承压能力
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Guangzhou Huajing machine Manufacture Co.,Ltd
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