Cross border e-commerce website operation

1~3 years
Refresh at 17 days ago
52 Apply
Nanjing, Shanghai
Job responsibilities
岗位职责: 1. 负责网站的活动运营,参与制定活动运营方案和计划并组织执行。 2.负责英文文案的策划、编译、校对,确保活动目标的达成 3.负责海外市场的调研、分析,协助团队完善用户体验,开发有价值的产品 岗位工作地点:上海/南京,不接受远程 Post Responsibilities:  Take charge of operational activities for global buyers, which include formulate activity plans and organize the implementation.  Be responsible for drafting, compiling and proofreading English copywriting to ensure the achievement of activity objectives.  Conduct overseas market research and analysis, and assist the team to improve user experience and develop valuable products. 【Job location: Shanghai / Nanjing, online office is not acceptable】
Job requirements
岗位要求: 1. 母语为英语,熟悉并喜欢中国文化的外籍人士 2. 对互联网有兴趣,擅长或喜欢市场运营类工作 3. 有较强的学习能力、沟通能力、创新思维、时间管理能力 4. 有在中国的工作经验或留学经验优先; 5. 全职或兼职(待遇面议) Job Requirements:  A foreign person who is a native English speaker and is familiar with and like Chinese culture.  Be good at or like market operation and is interested in Internet industry.  Have strong learning abilities, communication and time management skills, and is full of innovative thinking.  A person who have working or studying experience in China is preferred.  Both a full-timer and a part-timer are acceptable.  The salary is negotiable.
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