Editor Needed in Shanghai

15000 CNY~20000 CNY/Per month

Refresh at 13 hours ago
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Job responsibilities
EditorJob description: 1 Responsible for one of the magazine's sections (travel, driving, culture, city, lifestyle). Plan a combination of stories inside the section for each issue, collecting stories and editing articles inside the section to make it well organized.2 Work as a reporter to cover main stories inside the section. 3 Maintain and develop relationships with freelance writers, examining and editing the articles from freelancers for your section. 4 Fulfill other assignment as required by editor-in-chief. Contact us: (login to view email)
Job Requirements
Requirements 1 Bachelor’s degree is a must. Have at least 2 years working experience in print media. 2 Have strong writing ability, producing fluent and articulate articles with a high level of efficiency.. English can be a working language. 3 Photo journalist or candidates good at photography will be considered first. 4 Journalists specializing in automobile or travel in notable print media will be taken into first consideration.
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