Foreign English Teacher (Foreign English Teacher)

10000 CNY~15000 CNY/Per month

3~5 years
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Job responsibilities
一、主要工作。 国际班外籍教师的主要工作包括班级英语教学、保育保健、户外活动以及主题集体活动。学期初制订可行的学期工作计划,包括教学目标、进度和教学策略,并出色完成计划,使所有幼儿都获得良好发展。 1. Home Room teachers’ work includes English classes, life care, outdoor activities and themed activities such as English parties, home visits, etc. Home Room teachers must set a feasible teaching plan before each semester, to include teaching goals, progress and strategies to fulfill the semester plan so that all students qualify. 二、忠于职守。 严格遵守学校和幼儿园各项管理制度,在合同规定的节假日休息。因学校特殊工作需要,需配合参与节假日的临时工作。工作时间不随便离开工作岗位,不做私事,不闲谈,不接私人电话。 2. Observe the work disciplines: Home Room teachers will enjoy all Chinese public holidays. Under special circumstances in the kindergarten, such as important kindergarten open classes, May holiday and National holiday, Home Room teachers are to work into the weekend according to the temporary class schedule made by the kindergarten or the school. Non-informed absences, personal affairs, and private telephone calls are inappropriate in class. 三、尊重幼儿。 尊重孩子人格、个性与兴趣。为人师表,对孩子做到关心、细心、耐心。采用合理的教育方法纠正幼儿不良行为。 3. Respect the student’s dignity, personality and interests: Always be a role model to the students. Pay enough love, care and patience for every child. Appropriate correction methods of behavior are to be adopted. 四、教学要求。 坚持以英语组织生活,有目的、有计划地通过学拼音、讲故事、唱儿歌、识韵律、颂诗词、角色扮演等多方引导,全面培养英语听、说、读、写的能力,使每个幼儿能确实使用英语掌握知识和西方礼仪。灵活使用原版英语国家幼儿园教材,认真备课、自制教、玩具,每两周上缴一次教案。教学活动符合幼儿的身心发展特点,游戏为主,教具充分,演示得当,及时反馈教学效果,及时复习。 4. Follow the Teaching Requirements: Speak only English in class. Home Room teachers’ syllabus should focus on pronunciation, story telling, nursery rhymes singing, rhythm learning, poetry and verses reciting, role-play, etc. Guide and motivate every child gaining solid, broad knowledge and basic education, to include the abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing, especially the finest of western etiquette and cultures. Creatively and effectively use original western teaching reference books and other resources. Prepare enough teaching aids before class and hand in lesson plans every two weeks. Games, materials, evaluations and feedbacks are required, taking children’s physiological and psychological characteristics into full consideration. 五、家长工作。 对待家长主动热情、耐心,和家长紧密配合对幼儿的教育,参与家访,不接受家长的礼物或宴请。 5. Communicate with parents: Always be warm-hearted and patient with the parents who should be children’s partners and teachers as well. Home visits are needed every semester with class teachers. Personal gifts or other offers from parents are inappropriate and should not be accepted. 六、爱护公物。 节约用电、水、纸等,管理好班级的一切教玩具及物品。 6. Respect public properties: No treading on flower gardens and grass areas, no damaging teaching equipment, tools and resources, no wasting water, electricity and paper and no damaging public facilities. All the teaching materials should be kept in order.
Job Requirements
1. Native language speaker. 2. Bachelor degree or above. 3. 3 years of teaching experience as least. 4. TEFL/TESOL holder. 5. Work Visa holder as a teacher. 6. medical check report holder.
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