English teaching


Unlimited experience
Refresh at a year ago
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Job responsibilities
Our English House is located in Xian China and we help Chinese licensed schools to recruit foreign teachers from all countries over the world. We helped more than 500 schools to have hired suitable teachers successfully last year. We are hiring 1000 qualified teachers for 2019. We are seeking an ESL Teacher to teach English in China to join our team and we provide all teachers legal working visa. Full-time English Teacher role with a regional leader in ESL for young learners (4-12 years). Add your own flair to the provided, locally-relevant syllabus. Enjoy an expat package with a competitive salary 12K-30K RMB per month, totally free service, best social environment to meet more friends around the world, 24*7 one-to-one service, legal working visa provided plus flight, healthcare and housing benefits. Please send us your cv, introduction video and your class demo.
Job Requirements
We are searching for English teachers. For public schools, kindergartens, training schools all over the country,and the amount is increasing every year. Positions are open to native foreign teacher from USA, U.K., Canada, Australia, Newzeland, Ireland, South Africa, or other European teachers without any significant accent.
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