Exhibition Assistant for China Propak 2014

15000 CNY~20000 CNY/Per month

Refresh at 2 months ago
53 Apply
Job responsibilities
Exhibition Assistant for China Propak 2014We are ALTA Publishing Company.Get a part time job at the exhibition on Jul. 16-18 at Shanghai, China.It is the exhibition of Propak China 201 4. We are now looking for part-time worker for the coming exhibition. The job is mainly about delivering magazines on site.It's very easy. Please kindly contact with me if you are interested in our offer by e-mail. The rules are as below:*Education: diploma or above*Language: English, and Chinese*Other: Friendly, Responsible Date: Jul. 16-18, 2014, 9:00-17:00Venue: Shanghai New International Expo Centre (SNIEC)No. 2345 LongYang Road, PudongShanghai If you are interested, please send your resume with photos using the Apply Online Box bellow.And let me know your ideal wage.***@***.***
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