Finance Accountant

10000 CNY~15000 CNY/Per month

1~3 years
Refresh at 3 months ago
2 Apply
Job responsibilities
Main Responsibilities: 1. Responsible for the daily financial accounting and accounting processing of the receivable module, collection and write-off, and collection of receivables; 2. Timely clear and check other receivables and other current balances payable; 3. Responsible for the reconciliation of bank accounts; 4. Achieve reasonable risk management for advance payments and keep accounts clear 5. Review the compliance of contracts, bills and various expenses; 6. Prepare relevant accounting documents in accordance with the requirements of accounting standards and IFRS standards, so that each account is complete, accurate and clear; 7. Responsible for the inspection of the implementation of the expense budget, and timely inform the management and all departments of the company of the implementation of the cost budget, supervise and help all departments to correct deviations, and implement it according to the cost budget plan. 8. Management and accounting of the company's fixed assets 9. Other related jobs.
Job requirements
1. Bachelor degree or above, major in financial management related. 2. At least 2 year experience in Accounting in the same industry 3. Excellent English listening, speaking, reading and writing skills as a working language 4. Familiar with accounting and financial management systems, familiar with policies and regulations in accounting, taxation and manufacturing industries 5. Work meticulously, steadfastly, have good learning ability, financial analysis ability.
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