Foreign receptionist (doorboy)

15000 CNY~20000 CNY/Per month

Unlimited experience
Refresh at 6 months ago
8 Apply
Job responsibilities
岗位职责 :(position statement:) 1、迎宾服务 :以温暖的笑容和专业的态度迎接每一位抵达酒店的宾客,引导他 们前往前台或指定区域。(Welcome service: greet every guest coming to the hotel with a warm smile and a professional attitude, and guide them to the front desk or the designated area.) 2、行李服务 :协助宾客搬运行李,确保行李安全、准确地送达客房或车辆。 (Baggage service: Assist guests to carry luggage and ensure safe and accurate delivery to guest rooms or vehicles.) 3、信息咨询 :为宾客提供基本的酒店信息及周边旅游建议,解答宾客疑问。 ( Information consultation: to provide guests with basic hotel information and surrounding travel suggestions, to answer guests' questions.) 4、维护秩序 :确保公司入口及周边区域的秩序井然,及时处理突发情况。 (Maintain order: ensure the entrance of the hotel and surrounding areas in order and deal with emergencies in time.) 5、促进文化交流 :作为公司的形象大使,通过友好交流展现公司及国家的文化 魅力。(Promote cultural exchanges: As the image ambassador of the company, we will show the cultural charm of the company and the country through friendly exchanges.)
Job requirements
任职要求 :(job requirements:) 1、国籍与语言 :外籍人士,具备良好的英语沟通能力,掌握其他国际通用语言 者优先考虑。(Nationality and language: foreigners, with good English communication skills, master other international common languages is preferred.) 2、外貌形象 :形象气质佳,着装整洁得体,符合酒店职业形象要求。(Appearance image: good image temperament, clean and decent dress, in line with the hotel professional image requirements.) 3、职业素养 :具备良好的服务意识、责任心和团队合作精神,能够积极应对工 作 压 力 。 ( Professional quality: have a good sense of service, responsibility and team spirit, able to actively deal with work pressure) 4、工作经验 :有酒店门童、礼宾或相关服务工作经验者优先,但非必须;我们 更看重您的潜力和学习能力。(Experience: Experience with hotel concierge, concierge or related services is preferred but not necessary; we value your potential and learning skills.) 5、身体条件 :身体健康,无传染性疾病,能够胜任长时间站立及搬运行李的工 作。(Physical condition: healthy, free of infectious diseases, capable of standing and carrying luggage for a long time.)
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