French salesperson

10000 CNY~15000 CNY/Per month

Unlimited experience
Refresh at 3 months ago
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Job responsibilities
The company has its own factory, integration of industry and trade, very high -quality market resources and more than ten years of foreign trade operation experience. The backbone of the team and a group of young people with rich experience in foreign trade sales. If it is a novice, there will be experienced operating veterans to take you started. The company has a very complete salesman training mechanism; for experienced veterans, we have a very rich and reasonable commission incentive mechanism, product development mechanism, and logistics support. The ability to shape the brand! Welcome to join and develop together! 岗位职责: 1、公司每个业务员有专属于自己的市场资源; 2、负责拓展并维护与国外客户的业务合作关系; 3、负责对外贸易出口业务的客户接洽、合同谈判; 4、处理各类外贸邮件和表单; 5、独立开拓国外市场及跟进订单,寻找符合要求的国际客户,建立良好的客户关系。 Job Responsibilities: 1. Each salesman of the company has its own market resources; 2. Responsible for expanding and maintaining business cooperative relationships with foreign customers; 3. Customers responsible for foreign trade export business contact and contract negotiations; 4. Processing various foreign trade mails and forms; 5. Independent development of foreign markets and follow -up orders, looking for international customers who meet the requirements, and establishing a good customer relationship.
Job requirements
岗位要求: 1、年龄18-30周岁,法语听说读写流利,可作为工作语言畅通交流; 2、有无外贸经验都可,应届毕业生也会优先考虑,公司有老业务带新业务机制; 3、工作认真,吃苦耐劳,能承受较强的工作压力,有良好的团队合作精神; 4、电脑操作熟练,熟练办公软件,为人开朗乐观积极向上; 5、工作责任心强,具有应对困难工作的能力; job requirements: 1. Age 18-30 years old, fluent in French listening, speaking, reading and writing, can be used as a smooth communication between working language; 2. There is no experience in foreign trade, and fresh graduates will also give priority to the company. The company has a new business mechanism with old business; 3. Careful work, hard work, can withstand strong work pressure, have a good teamwork spirit; 4. Skilled computer operation, proficient in office software, cheerful and optimistic and upward; 5. Strong sense of work responsibility and ability to deal with difficulties.
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Shenzhen 3D-LINK Technology Co., Ltd.
Communications equipment

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