Government affairs specialist(full time/part time)

Unlimited experience
Refresh at 5 days ago
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Job responsibilities
• Help company avoid geopolitical and regulatory risks and pursue business opportunities by monitoring and analyzing the relevant regulatory environment and policies in Europe; participate in crisis management as needed. • Cultivate and maintain relationship with key government stakeholders at the central and regional levels and government-affiliated think tanks/organizations. • Support government official visits, company executive visits, and other government-related events to increase company visibility. • Assist in securing a favorable business environment to support regional business priorities. • Provide translation support of policy, analysis report and other relevant documents; act as interpreter to support company executives’ visits and meetings.
Job requirements
University degree or equivalent in relevant majors including international relations/politics, public relations, etc. • 2+ years of solid working experiences in public affairs, government affairs. • Deeply understanding of government structure, relations and mindset. • Exceptional written and verbal skills in both English, French as a plus.
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Company info
Shanghai Fanhao Information Technology Co., Ltd.

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