Interior and architectural designer

Refresh at 7 days ago
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Job responsibilities
Job requirements:1. Familiar with all kinds of international interior and architectural design styles, and flexible in specific design; 2. Interior and architectural design not only includes interior design in the workplace, but also includes family building and interior design; 3. Able to build and develop good customer relationships, communicate effectively, and deeply understand customer ideas. And can use professional knowledge to make customers understand; 4. be responsible for specific projects, assist architectural designers in site planning and architectural design exercises, and use three-dimensional modeling and digital presentations for packaging; 5. able to assist in the preparation of construction drawings and construction details; 6. able to present presentations, physical models and other presentations to customers and receive customer approval.
Job requirements
Qualifications:1. Bachelor's degree or above in interior design or architectural design; 2. Experiences with relevant working experience, experience in luxury hotels, clubs or luxury interior design projects is preferred; 3. Have stronger visual collocation ability, can skilled operate AutoCAD, Photoshop, Illustrator, 3D, MAX and other design software; 4. Have strong learning ability, passionate about design work and innovation; 5. Excellent analytical skills, good communication skills, good presentation skills and team spirit; 6. Have creative and executive ability, sense of responsibility and strong expression ability. European style from soft to hard, equipped with a strong ability to control, good sense of color and have the ability to create a lighting environment.
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