International Exchange and Cooperation Post – Overseas / Abroad

40000 CNY~45000 CNY/Per month

3~5 years
Refresh at 5 months ago
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Job responsibilities
Job Title:International Talent Service Post – Overseas / Abroad Employer: Government's newly formed International and Overseas Division Highlights:Free Trade Zone/Port or Industrial Park/city experience is preferred Compensation: Attractive &Competitive Salary System and Benefits with rich subsidies Job responsibilities 1) Responsible for strengthening communication and liaison with international scientific research institutions, industry organizations, enterprises and other institutions, promoting international talent policies, and carrying out communication and cooperation work; 2) Do a good job in talent introduction, policy services, life guidance, cultural exchange, and other work; 3) Conduct visits and research on enterprises and talents, contact and comfort, industry exchanges, community cultural integration activities, etc., and contact service enterprises and talents; 4) Complete other tasks assigned by the leader. Qualification 1) Love China, abide by laws and regulations, have good conduct, integrity, and high professional ethics; 2) Under the age of 40, the age of outstanding individuals shall not exceed 45; 3) Possess a graduate degree or above, and the degree (degree) certificate must be certified by the Chinese embassy, consulate, or applicant in the foreign country where the degree (degree) is obtained. Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan degrees must be certified by the Study Abroad Center of the Ministry of Education, and relevant professional and technical titles such as agriculture, ocean, marketing, or higher must be obtained; 4) Proficient in using English for communication and communication, with proficiency in second foreign languages such as Russian and French being a priority; 5) Have 2 years or more of experience in talent recruitment, enterprise services, planning and promotion, and foreign talents with work experience in overseas associations, research institutions, and international organizations are preferred; 6) Possess strong organizational skills, understanding skills, communication skills, and written expression skills, able to lead the planning of overseas exchange and cooperation plans, analyze data related to foreign talents, and write research reports; 7) Strong sense of responsibility, proactive work, able to work under pressure, identify with XX Bay Science and Technology City culture. 8) Possess good psychological qualities and physical health. 国际人才服务岗 (海南-三亚) 岗位职责 1) 负责加强与国际科研机构、行业组织、企业等机构交流联络,做好国际人才政策宣传,开展交流合作工作; 2) 做好人才引进、政策服务、生活指引、文化交流等工作; 3) 开展企业及人才走访调研、联系慰问、行业交流、社群文化融入活动等,联系服务企业及人才; 4) 完成领导交办的其他工作。 (二)资格条件 1) 热爱中国,遵规守法,品行端正,诚信廉洁,较高的职业素养; 2) 年龄40周岁以下,特别优秀的年龄不超过45周岁; 3) 具有研究生及以上学历,学位(学历)证明经我驻外国使团、领馆或申请人取得学位(学历)所在国驻华使、领馆或我国学位(学历)认证机构认证),港澳台学历需经教育部留学中心学历认证,农业、海洋、市场营销等相关专业或高级以上专业技术职称; 4) 能熟练使用英语沟通交流,熟练使用俄语、法语等第二外语者优先; 5) 具有2年及以上人才招聘、企业服务、企划推广等方面工作经验,外籍人才并具有海外协会、科研机构、国际组织工作经历者优先; 6) 具有较强的组织能力、理解能力、沟通能力和文字表达能力,能牵头完成海外交流合作方案策划、外籍人才相关数据分析及调研报告撰写; 7) 责任心强,工作积极主动,能承受交大工作压力,认同管理局科技城的企业文化氛围。 8) 具有良好的心理素质,身体健康。
Job requirements
Job Title:International Exchange and Cooperation Post – Overseas / Abroad Employer: Government's newly formed International and Overseas Division Highlights:Free Trade Zone/Port or Industrial Park/city experience is preferred Compensation: Attractive &Competitive Salary System and Benefits with rich subsidies Responsibilities 1) Expand exchange and cooperation opportunities, business cooperation, and offshore cooperation between the park administration and international NGO and multinational enterprises/institutions (both at home and abroad); 2) Lead or deeply participate in negotiations between park management agencies and international NGOs and multinational enterprises/institutions to promote consensus among project partners; 3) Connect with international and foreign industry experts, NGO organizations, and upstream and downstream resources of the industry, establish a comprehensive customer profile for existing and potential business partners, and track and explore international exchange and cooperation opportunities; 4) Led the team to promote the implementation and landing of cooperation projects between park management agencies, international NGOs, multinational enterprises/institutions, responsible for organizing external meetings, activities, and daily liaison, and responsible for the entire project process management; Qualification: 1) Love China, abide by laws and regulations, have good conduct, integrity, and high professional ethics. 2) Under the age of 35, the age of outstanding individuals shall not exceed 40; 3) Master's degree or above, certificate of degree (diploma) certified by the embassy or consulate of the country where the applicant obtained the degree (diploma) or China's degree (diploma) certification), Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan diploma must be certified by the Center for Overseas Study of the Ministry of Education. Diplomacy, international relations, international trade, international politics, finance, international law and other related majors or senior professional and technical titles; 4) Understanding of overseas regions, with international advanced free trade port related policies and operational experience; 5) With international vision, excellent communication, coordination, organization and development skills. Familiar with the operation system of NGOs at home and abroad, have foreign NGO related resources, and have NGO operation and management experience is preferred; 6) Passion for innovation and solving challenging problems, good team work spirit, strong self-drive and sense of responsibility, good ability to work under pressure. 7) More than 2 years working experience in advanced free trade ports, free trade zones or free trade management organizations is preferred; 国际交流合作岗(海南-三亚) 岗位职责 1) 拓展园区管理机构与国际NGO组织、跨国企业/机构的交流合作、商业合作、离岸合作机会(落地场景国内/国外均可); 2) 主导或深度参与园区管理机构与国际NGO组织、跨国企业/机构进行谈判,促进项目合作伙伴之间达成共识; 3) 对接国际外行业专家、NGO组织、产业上下游资源,对现有及潜在的业务合作伙伴,建立完善的客户档案,跟踪、挖掘国际交流合作机会; 4) 带领团队推进园区管理机构与国际NGO组织、跨国企业/机构合作项目的实施和落地,负责组织外部会议、活动及日常联络,负责项目全过程管理; 资格条件 1) 热爱中国,遵规守法,品行端正,诚信廉洁,较高的职业素养。 2) 年龄35周岁以下,特别优秀的年龄不超过40周岁; 3) 具有研究生及以上学历,学位(学历)证明经我驻外国使团、领馆或申请人取得学位(学历)所在国驻华使、领馆或我国学位(学历)认证机构认证),港澳台学历需经教育部留学中心学历认证,外交学、国际关系、国际贸易、国际政治、金融学、国际法等相关专业或高级以上专业技术职称; 4) 了解新加坡、香港、迪拜等国际先进自由贸易港相关政策; 5) 具备国际视野,优秀的沟通、协调、组织与开拓能力。熟悉国内外NGO组织运行系统、有国外NGO相关资源,具有NGO组织运行管理经验优先; 6) 对于创新及解决具有挑战性的问题充满激情,良好的团队合作精神,有很强的自驱力和责任心,有良好的抗压能力。 7) 具备先进自贸港、自贸区或自贸管理机构2年以上工作经验者优先; 8) 具有良好的心理素质,身体健康。
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