Logistics operations manager

15000 CNY~20000 CNY/Per month

Unlimited experience
Refresh at 4 hours ago
49 Apply
Job responsibilities
1. Respond to inquiries from Chinese clients for overseas warehouses and handle exceptions; 2. Coordinate and process or feedback on difficult/complex issues within the Chinese team of the company; 3. Print and distribute picking lists and related attachment forms for DS and B2C systems; 4. Feedback and follow-up on DS exceptions (client segment); 5. Develop plans for inventory counting and rack organization; 6. Supervise the compliance of goods packaging for overseas warehouse delivery; 7. Output and feedback operational reports for overseas warehouses; 8. Other tasks assigned by superiors.
Job requirements
1. Proficiency in daily communication and writing in English/Arabic, with the ability to use it as a working language is preferred; 2. Positive and cheerful personality, with good communication skills, adaptability, and strong learning ability; 3. Proficient in computer operations, familiar with the operation of office software such as Word, Excel, etc.; 4. Have a driver's license and be able to drive vehicles proficiently, able to adapt to the Saudi environment (high temperatures); 5. Responsible, strong pressure resistance, team spirit, correct work attitude, and willingness to follow the work arrangements of superiors.
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