Luxembourgish Linguists Needed

15000 CNY~20000 CNY/Per month

Unlimited experience
Refresh at 3 months ago
50 Apply
Job responsibilities
We are looking for several Luxembourgish-English translators to participate in our online language quality inspection project. Responsibilities include: Format Checking: Verify that the original text meets client requirements (such as numbers, special line numbers, etc.). If there are issues, please describe them in the "Reason for Scoring" section and provide suggestions for modification. Translation Proofreading: Check if the translation is consistent with the formatted text. If discrepancies are found, please indicate the issues in the "Reason for Scoring" and provide correct reference translations. Scoring Standards: 5 points: Both the formatted text and translation are correct, no reason for scoring needed. 4.5 points: There are flaws; please describe the issues and provide suggestions in the "Reason for Scoring." 0 points: Completely unusable; please detail the issues and provide reference translations or modifications.
Job requirements
Requirements: Proficient in Luxembourgish; previous translation or quality inspection experience is a plus. Good communication skills and teamwork spirit. Detail-oriented and patient, able to manage formatting and content intricacies.
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