Part-Time English Teacher in Chongqing Wanted!

15000 CNY~20000 CNY/Per month

Unlimited experience
Refresh at a month ago
50 Apply
Shenzhen, Shanghai, Chongqing
Job responsibilities
Part-time English Teachers for corporate clients in different cities. Chongqing is in an urgent need, but other cities are also available. We're looking for a part-time English teacher for English training in Chongqing. It's once a week, 1.5 hours per time. We will have a car to pick you up and drive you to the site. It will be great if you can help with the task, thank you! Easy task, good payment!
Job Requirements
1. Native English Teacher 2. Have business training experience preferred 3. Have adult training experience preferred 4. Living in Chongqing is a must
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