Product Development/Project Manager Engineer

15000 CNY~20000 CNY/Per month

1~3 years
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48 Apply
Job responsibilities
我们是一家ISO9001:2015,外资,技术,可穿戴设备和运动产品的合同制造商。我们深圳办事处正在寻找一位具有英语口语能力的产品开发工程师 加入我们的团队。 We are an ISO 9001:2015 certified, foreign-invested, technology-driven contract manufacturer specializing in wearable devices and sports products. Our Shenzhen office is looking for a Product Development Engineer with English speaking skills to join our team. 岗位职责: Job Responsibilities: 1.新产品评估及报价、样品制作工艺验证; 1. Evaluate and quote new products, and verify the production process for samples; 2.负责主导新产品量试开发进度跟进及问题点改善; 2. Lead and track the progress of new product trial development, addressing and improving issues; 3.开展、推进持续改善,配合处理生产部门和质量部门的异常状况,协助分析原因并提供改善措施; 3. Carry out and promote continuous improvement, cooperate with the production department and quality department to deal with abnormal conditions, assist in analyzing the causes and providing improvement measures; 4. 对客户的要求提出可行性分析及改善建议,并制定初步加工工艺; 4. Conduct feasibility analysis and improvement suggestions based on customer requirements, and develop preliminary processing techniques; 5.协助和确认客户打样需求,能够起草DFMEA并且跟进样品制成的所有进度; 5. Assist and confirm customer sampling requirements, be able to draft DFMEA and track all stages of sample production; 6. 根据量产实际状况修订发行相关工程文件,分析和跟进并解決问题点; 6. Revise and issue relevant engineering documents according to the actual status of mass production, analyze and resolve issues; 7. 评估分析工程变更可行性,并对变更所需费用及产品成本进行评估; 7. Evaluate the feasibility of engineering changes and assess the required costs and product expenses; 8. 与采购团队合作建立供应链。 8. Collaborate with the procurement team to establish a supply chain.
Job requirements
任职要求: Job requirements: 1.大专以上学历,英语流利,能够使用英语作为工作语言。 1. College degree or above, fluent in English, able to use English as a working language. 2.电子器件相关专业优先考虑; 2. Candidates with a background in electronic components are preferred; 3相关开发岗位3年以上;熟悉电子器件等行业; More than 3 years of experience in a related development position, familiar with the electronics industry; 4.熟练各类办公软件操作,2D/3D绘图软件熟练 4. Proficient in various office software, and skilled in 2D/3D drawing software.
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