Russian speakers Sales

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Job responsibilities
Job responsibilities:1. Develop the company's trade business and market; 2. Be responsible for contacting customers, making quotations, participating in business negotiations and signing contracts; 3. Developing and maintaining customers; Keeping good communication with them 4. Report on related business work.岗位职责:1、开拓公司贸易业务,开拓市场;2、负责联系客户、制作报价、参与商务谈判,签订合同;3、客户的拓展与维护;与他们保持良好的沟通4、相关业务工作的汇报。
Job requirements
Qualifications:1. Speaking Russian and Chinese, good listening, speaking, reading and writing skills, no barriers to oral communication; 2. With more than one year experience in foreign trade, excellent graduates can relax their requirements appropriately. 3. Experience in exhibition, website optimization and Alibaba operation is preferred.Experience in sales of mechanical products is preferred 5. Strong execution ability, good communication ability and teamwork ability. 6. Be sensitive to the market and willing to travel for a long time is preferred.任职资格:1、会说俄语与中文,听说读写能力良好,口语交流无障碍;2、有1年以上外贸经验,优秀应届毕业生可适当放宽要求;;3 .有展会,网站优化经验,有阿里巴巴操作经验者优先;有机械类产品类销售经验者优先 5.执行能力强,具有良好的沟通能力和团队协作能力。 6.对市场有敏锐度,愿意长期出差者优先
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Dongguan Qiandao Precision Mchinery Manufacture Co.,Ltd

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