Sales Manager Latin America/Country manager

20000 CNY~25000 CNY/Per month

Unlimited experience
Refresh at a year ago
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Job responsibilities
duty: 1. responsible for the market development and sales management of relevant regions. 2. go deep into the front line to promote sales and business development, analyze the characteristics of market and competitors, form effective sales strategies and implement them, and ensure that the company completes or exceeds the sales tasks formulated by the company. 3. be responsible for the horizontal and deep development of the market, manage and maintain channels, and maintain the continuous and rapid growth of sales. 4. responsible for the development, management and maintenance of dealers and partners. 5. understand the market and customer needs and feedback the company to promote the upgrading and improvement of products and technologies of the company. requirement 1. More than 3 years of international sales experience in medical devices(ventilator preferred) , strong business development ability, and management experience preferred 2. recruitment area: Latin America 3. bachelor degree, major in international trade, foreign language, marketing, etc 4. overseas business trip 5. strong sense of responsibility and enthusiasm for work
Job Requirements
职责: 1. 负责相关区域市场开拓和销售管理工作。 2. 深入一线进行销售推进和业务开拓,分析市场和竞争对手特点,形成行之有效的销售策略并落实,确保完成或者超额完成公司制定销售任务。 3. 负责市场横向和纵深的开拓,管理和维护渠道,保持销售持续快速增长。 4. 负责经销商和合作伙伴的开发、管理和维护。 5. 了解市场及客户的需求并反馈公司,推动公司产品和技术的升级改进。 要求 1. 3年以上医疗器械国际销售经验(呼吸机优先),业务开发能力强,有管理经验优选 2. 招聘区域:拉美区 3. 大学本科毕业,国际贸易、外语、市场营销等专业 4. 可以海外出差 5. 责任心强,工作热情
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