Wanduo kindergarten foreign teacher recruitment

1~3 years
Refresh at 2 hours ago
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Job responsibilities
Requirements: 1.有正式的工作签证,可与园所达成合法的劳动关系 Have work visa and can build a legal labor relationship with the school 2.优先母语国家,国籍不限,英文流利,发音标准清晰 Preferred native speaker, no nationality limit, fluent English, good pronunciation 3.有幼儿园工作经验,爱孩子,对教育教学工作保持学习的态度,服从园所工作安排 Have related experience in kindergarten, love children, maintain a learning attitude towards education and teaching, and obey the work arrangement of the kindergarten 4.根据外教教学能力评估工资 Evaluate salary according to foreign teachers' teaching ability
Job requirements
Requirements: 1.有正式的工作签证,可与园所达成合法的劳动关系 Have work visa and can build a legal labor relationship with the school 2.优先母语国家,国籍不限,英文流利,发音标准清晰 Preferred native speaker, no nationality limit, fluent English, good pronunciation 3.有幼儿园工作经验,爱孩子,对教育教学工作保持学习的态度,服从园所工作安排 Have related experience in kindergarten, love children, maintain a learning attitude towards education and teaching, and obey the work arrangement of the kindergarten 4.根据外教教学能力评估工资 Evaluate salary according to foreign teachers' teaching ability
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GEOR Global English Teacher Jobs

As a leading international employment agency in China, GEOR will offer you more international jobs opportunities with better salary higher than average level.
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vanguard kindergarten
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