Part Time Jobs In Guangzhou For Foreigners
It may not be the first city that comes to mind when you think about China, but with its ever-increasing population, it is the third-largest metropolis in the country. Guangzhou, China's "international capital," continues to draw visitors from all over the world, particularly those interested in teaching English in China.
How to Find a Part-Time Jobs In Guangzhou
International students must work part-time employment while studying overseas. Working part-time can help you pay for your studies and living expenses while also giving you work experience in the Chinese labor market. It will improve your Chinese language abilities and provide you with professional exposure as well as a greater understanding of Chinese culture and lifestyle. Working part-time while studying abroad is a struggle, but it will help you become a more efficient professional and responsible person. Part-time work for overseas students was permitted in China after 2013 in order to attract more international students to enroll in Chinese universities. Because China is the world's fastest-expanding economy, there are numerous part-time work possibilities that are both professionally and financially rewarding.
Student visa holders in China (X1 visa) who wanted to work part-time had to get approval from their host Chinese university and China's immigration service. The following actions must be followed in order to obtain approval for part-time work:
Submit an application to your Chinese host institution for permission to work part-time.
With your application, you will include a certificate from your prospective employer/company.
Your hosting institution will submit your part-time employment permission application to the immigration authorities for formal approval.
Obtain a permission letter from the Chinese institution that will be hosting you.
Visit the Chinese police station closest to your home and get your Chinese resident permit marked with the words "Part Time Work."
During semesters, you will be permitted to work part-time for 20 hours per week, and during semester breaks, you will be permitted to work full-time.
Because you cannot change employers frequently in China for part-time employment, be sure the part-time job you choose matches your interests and provides you a reasonable wage.