Life Lesson's You'll Learn When Working in China
Through our travels, personal relationships and experiences living and working in China, it's inevitable that we'll learn a few life lessons along the way. The interactions we have, the people we meet and the work we do will leave an indelible impression on us, whether or not we want it to. For better or for worse, here are a few life lessons you'll learn while living and working in China.
Coming to terms with the fact that things are different
The way things are done, the different ways of communicating and the customs concerning gift giving in the workplace all vary from what most foreigners are accustomed to. Instead of continuing to comment on these differences, maybe it's time we not only accepted them, but embraced them. Coming to terms with the fact that things are different is a huge step towards having a better experience in this widely diverse country.
For example, not using cash to pay for things, using a squat toilet, and accepting the fact that people will smoke in the corridors of your office. As 2Pac said, "That's just the way it is." These habits may take some getting used to, but some might be an improvement. Just think how much more flexible you’ll be after using a squat toilet for a year!
"Your pride is never worth a fight"
We all have our egos bruised in the workplace every now and again. However, in China, it's not worth losing “face” to defend your pride. This one takes some time to understand, but ultimately sucking it up and shutting up will help you advance both in your personal and professional relationships in China.
A similar life lesson is "Take the high road". We'll inevitably find ourselves in situations where we want to argue and defend our perspective, but sometimes it's better to let it go, maintain the respect of your colleagues and move on.
"When life gives you lemons, make lemonade."
We will all undoubtedly run into challenges when working in China, but it's largely up to us how we approach these challenges. Maybe you're frustrated that everyone in your office only speaks Chinese. This is the perfect opportunity to finally knuckle down and master the language now you have the environment to practice. Perhaps your internship doesn't pay much. Think of it as a great opportunity to network for future jobs.
"Tomorrow's another day"
We've all had bad China days. The days when your scooter won't start, your boss gives you hell, your favourite noodle shop gets bulldozed, and your girlfriend/boyfriend is once again complaining about cultural differences. However, tomorrow is another day, and the sooner you realise that, the better-equipped you'll be to deal with the present.
This is definitely a life lesson that's easier said than done, but if all else fails, grab a bottle of baijiu and tomorrow will come sooner than you expected. No promises that you’ll feel great, though…
"All that glitters isn't gold"
This can also be understood as "If something is too good to be true, it probably is." Look out for super cheap name-brand products on Taobao (fake), pretty girls/cute guys who want to have tea with you (scam), or English teaching jobs that over-promise and under deliver, locking you into a contract (trap). Use your logic, intuition, or whatever you want to call it, and make sure you don't find yourself in a too-good-to-be-true situation.
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