
School Education
Company profile
Hangzhou Benmei Information Technology Ltd.,also named Native Talk, is an Internet company co-founded by Tom Anderson, a Doctor graduated from U Penn, and Iva Huangjiajia, an Education Graduate from U Penn. It locates in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province in China. We mainly run two apps that pair Chinese students with native speakers, one is for Students in Chinese and English, the other is for native speakers who have been verified by us. Here we are looking for a native speaker who can do us a favor in Trial Lesson, Proof-reading, Personal Statement Proof-reading.If you're interested, contact us to get more details by sending email to zhangying@waijiaojun.com or just give us a call at 0571-88692312/(+86)13858126486. We are sincerely excited to have you on board and hope you enjoy seeing NativeTalk evolve and grow. 