Audio Algorithm Engineer音频算法工程师


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Job responsibilities
1、负责音频相关算法的设计、实现和性能优化,实现产品化应用; 2、负责音频/音效算法的前沿技术预研。跟踪业界前沿的语音处理技术,包括语音增强,麦克风阵列技术; 3、协助AI在音频领域的相关算法工业化实现。 1. Responsible for the design, implementation, and performance optimization of audio related algorithms to achieve productized applications; 2. Responsible for the pre research of cutting-edge technologies in audio/sound algorithms. Track cutting-edge speech processing technologies in the industry, including speech enhancement and microphone array technology; 3. Assist in the industrial implementation of AI related algorithms in the audio field.
Job requirements
1、博士学历,计算机、软件、通信、理工科等相关专业优先; 2、可使用Matlab、Python、C/C++语言实现算法; 3、了解数字信号处理、语音信号处理相关理论,能够对算法进行实现和优化; 4、了解语音前端相关技术,如语音增强、回声消除、麦克风阵列等; 5、了解Cool Edit、Adobe Audition等音频处理软件优先。 6、了解深度学习RNN/CNN的基本网络原理。 1. Doctoral degree, with priority given to majors in computer science, software, communication, science and engineering; 2. Algorithms can be implemented using Matlab, Python, C/C++languages; 3. Understand the relevant theories of digital signal processing and speech signal processing, and be able to implement and optimize algorithms; 4. Understand the related technologies of voice front-end, such as voice enhancement, echo cancellation, microphone array, etc; 5. Understanding audio processing software such as Cool Edit and Adobe Audition is preferred. 6. Understand the basic network principles of deep learning RNN/CNN.
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Yealink Network Technology Co., Ltd.
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