Business Analyst商业分析师

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Job responsibilities
1. Carry out industry, competition and market monitoring, research and analysis according to the company's development strategy; 2. Through data mining business growth points, output data analysis reports with commercial value and readability based on industries, brands, consumers, etc; 3. Analyze product sales and pricing strategy, product coverage, scope and form, and improve the competitiveness of the company's products. 4. Responsible for brand level development strategy and regional strategy research, assist brand development positioning and strategy support; 5. Conduct special analysis, provide decision-making basis, and assist the management to promote the formulation and implementation of business strategies and the achievement of business results. 1、根据公司发展战略,开展行业、竞对和市场的监测与研究分析; 2、通过数据挖掘业务增长点,基于行业、品牌、消费者等,输出具有商业价值及可读性的数据分析报告; 3、分析产品销售与定价策略,及产品覆盖面及范围形式,提升公司产品竞争力。 4、负责品牌层面的发展战略和区域策略研究,辅助品牌的发展定位及策略支持; 5、进行专题分析,提供决策层依据,协助管理层推动业务策略的制定、落地执行和业务结果的达成。
Job requirements
1. Graduate degree or above, major in business analysis, marketing, business administration, statistics and mathematics, overseas study experience is preferred; 2. Have solid data statistics and analysis ability, strong logic, quick response, and be able to apply conclusions to products and strategies through quantitative analysis; 3. Have a sense of responsibility, strong communication skills, pay attention to teamwork, good pressure resistance and adapt to fast-paced work. 1、研究生及以上学历,商业分析、市场营销、工商管理、统计学和数学等相关专业,海外留学经验优先; 2、有扎实的数据统计和分析能力,逻辑性强,反应敏捷,能通过量化分析将结论应用到产品和战略中; 3、有责任心、沟通能力强、注重团队协作、抗压能力好、适应快节奏工作。
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