Educational Consultant

5000 CNY~10000 CNY/Per month

Unlimited experience
Refresh at 5 months ago
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Job responsibilities
1. Assist with and coordinate details of programs 2. Develop and implement programs and activities for Jingle during camp sessions 3. Training (Staff training and Pre-camp training) 4. Communication between Jingle International Education and foreign partners 5. To represent the Jingle professionally in meeting parents and partners 6. Be responsible for Jingle programs sales activities to ensure healthy and steady growth of the business 7. Will work with marketing to promote Jingle and do presentations in English to clients, partners, schools, and other key stakeholders
Job requirements
1. Responsible and caring 2. Love to work with children and youth, able to lead group activities 3. Experience in education field 4. Strong organizational skill 5. English native speakers is preferred(America,British,Canada) 6. Experience working on a Team 7. Desire to master a new program 8. Able to speak in front of large groups
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GEOR Global Teaching Jobs

As a leading international employment agency in China, GEOR will offer you more international jobs opportunities with better salary higher than average level.
Company info
Jingle YouthTech
Education & Training

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