荷兰/波兰/比利时/捷克/西班牙公司代表 Representative of the Dutch/Polish/Belgium/Czech/Spanish company

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Job responsibilities
本公司为中国大型民营生产企业,主要生产并销售卫浴产品,产品主要销售到欧州各国,现因业务发展需要招聘两名荷兰/波兰/比利时/捷克/西班牙公司代表,The company is a large-scale private manufacturer in China. It mainly produce and sells sanitary products. The products are mainly sold to European countries. Now, it is necessary to recruit two representatives of Dutch/Polish/Belgium/Czech/Spanish companies for business development.​职责 Responsibility:1. 处理本地公司行政类事务和工作;Manage local office administrative affairs.2 对接外部工作协调,包括公司办理, 公司报税,本地法律事务对接协调;Cooperate with external affairs for company transaction, company tax-declaration and the connection with local law affairs.3,与国内同事沟通,处理网上销售,翻译,售后,及发货工作。Communicate with Chinese colleagues to handle online sales, translation, after-sales, and delivery work.
Job requirements
任职要求:Requirements:1. 男女、年龄不限;华人,留学生,荷兰/波兰/比利时/捷克/西班牙本地人;No gender or age limitation, Chinese, International students, Dutch/Polish/Belgium/Czech/Spanish required. 2. 文化程度:大学本科学历;Bachelor's degree or above, if excellent comprehensive abilities, academic diplomas can reduce requirements 3.语言要求:英语流利,荷兰/波兰/捷克语流利,会中文者优先。Fluent in the spoken and written English and Dutch/Polish/Czech/Spanish, preferred in Chinese-speaking. 4.熟悉当地劳动法,懂得合理规避劳务风险;Familiar with local labor laws, as well as reasonable avoidance of labor risks 5.熟练使用Office办公软件。Familiar with Office software 6.善于沟通,具有亲和力,有责任心,执行力强。Good communication skill, good appetency, full of responsibility and excellent execution 6. 工作积极主动,条理有序,具有团队合作工作精神。Be active, well-organized, and team spirit;Contact information :Ms ChenEmail : ***@***.***Wechat: 630936255
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