Health Consultant 健康顾问

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Job responsibilities
上海洛伊克巴德健康信息咨询有限公司Shanghai Leukerbad Health Information Consulting Co., Ltd.上海普陀区金沙江路2145弄普罗娜商务广场A栋6楼6/F, Building A, PRONA PLAZA, Lane 2145, Jinshajiang Road, Putuo District, Shanghai 021-60433324 -8082Health ConsultantJob Responsibilities:1、为客户提供健康咨询、解读分析健康检查数据及报告,评估客户健康状况。Provide health consultation to customers, analyse health data and report of physical exam and evaluate clients' health conditions. 2、对客户所面临的健康风险或影响健康的危险因素进行全面检测、分析和评估。Comprehensively identify, analyse and evaluate risks of clients' health problems.3、了解客户的健康需求,结合医师的诊断意见,为客定制科学全面的健康管理方案-健康计划,对客户进行全方位的健康管理及疾病的预防、日常膳食调理、心理调节、运动方案、生活方式等的建议。Offer a reasonable and comprehensive health management program to customers according to their needs and diagnosis from doctors. Provide customers with services of all-directional health management, disease prevention, daily dietetic regulation & mental regulation, exercise program, advice of lifestyle and so on. 4、接待来访客户,安排客户健康检查,整理分析检查数据及客户体检报告。Meet & greet customers, arrange physical exams for clients, sort out and analyse the report of customers' physical exam. 5、配合公司完成产品、服务的推广。Help promote the products and service of the company
Job requirements
任职资格:Job Requirements:1、临床医学、营养学、药学、护理学本科以上,具备国家健康管理师证或营养师证者优先。Major in clinical medicine, nutrition, pharmacy or nursing with bachelor degree or above. National Health Management Certificate or Nutritionist Certificate preferred. 2、有较强的沟通能力、应变能力、演讲与培训能力,具备良好的健康服务意识和亲和力。Strong communication skill, adaptability skill, speech-making ability and training ability. Have strong sense of service. Easygoing. 3、热爱或志向从事健康管理行业,责任心强。Love to work in health care management industry. Have a strong responsibility. 
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Shanghai Leukerbad Health Information Consulting Co., Ltd.
Medical health

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