International Trade Assistant 国际贸易助理

10000 CNY~15000 CNY/Per month

1~3 years
Refresh at 10 months ago
6 Apply
Job responsibilities
1. 协助商务一部业务内部沟通,辅助翻译所涉及业务内容;协助商务一部收取代理费,并制作相关文件。 Assist in the internal communication of the business department of the first business department and assist in the translation of the business content involved ,Assist one to collect agency fees and produce relevant documents. 2. 主要负责协助部门总监分析统计部门业务数据、管理部门合同并协助部门于国外俄罗斯供应商沟通项目进程,收集和管理有关俄罗斯供应商和中国客户贸易活动的原始数据。 Mainly responsible for assisting the department director in analyzing and statistical department business data, managing department contracts, and assisting the department in communicating project progress with foreign Russian suppliers, collecting and managing raw data on trade activities between Russian suppliers and Chinese customers. 3. 进行海外市场调研,了解相关地区供应商资源、服务、产品、价格等。 Conduct overseas market research to understand supplier resources, services, products, prices, etc. in relevant regions. 4. 分析国内市场动态,熟悉国际贸易流程、操作规范、熟悉我国贸易相关的法律法规及行业规定; Analyze domestic market trends, be familiar with international trade processes, operational norms, and be familiar with China's trade related laws, regulations, and industry regulations 5. 部门领导交办的其他工作 Complete other tasks arranged by the leader.
Job Requirements
国籍:俄罗斯 Nationality: Russia 年龄:35岁以下 Age: Under 35 years old 语言:中文 俄语 Language: Chinese &Russian 性别:不限 Gender: unlimited 学历:大学本科及以上 Education: Bachelor's degree or above 技能:需要有中俄文翻译经验 了解国际贸易、供应商管理、物流等方面知识 熟练操作office Skills: Proficient in translating Chinese and Russian, knowledgeable in international trade, supplier management, logistics, and proficient in operating the office
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