Looking for Users of Heat-pump Water Heaters for On-site Interviews in Germany, Netherlands, Austria, Italy, Spain, and France


Unlimited experience
Refresh at 6 months ago
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Job responsibilities
Our Client, a consulting firm is looking for users of heat-pump water heaters for on-site interviews. Below are the relevant details: [On-site Interviews] ? Interview Dates: ??Germany: July 28, 2024 ??Netherlands: August 4, 2024 ??Austria: August 8 to 12, 2024 ??Italy/??Spain/??France: July or August ⏱Interview Duration: Up to 1.5 hours per session ?Interview Fields: Heat-pump water heaters ?Note: Heat-pump water heaters can be integrated or split-system, but heating products with heat pumps are not involved. ?[Payment] USD 120-150 for an interviewee/a household
Job requirements
?[Requirements] 1. An interviewed user must be the actual purchaser of their product and has used it; 2. Four or five of our staff will participate in an on-site interview; 3. We will take photos of a product in a user's bathroom, kitchen, or device room. We ensure that the user's privacy will not be violated, and the related photos will only be used for internal studies and will not be made public. If taking relevant photos is not allowed, we have the right to terminate the interview and do not need to pay; 4. If an interview is cut short by a user, we will pay them according to the actual length of visiting time. If an interviewee barely cooperates or is not the actual purchaser or user, we have the right to terminate the interview and do not need to pay. ? Submission Email Your email should be titled "Name + Heat-pump Water Heater User + Country + Information Source (such as Facebook, Tik Tok, etc.) + Current Residence." You are also more than welcome to communicate with us via WahtsApp or Skype
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