Microsoft Exchange Operational Engineer

15000 CNY~20000 CNY/Per month

1~3 years
Refresh at 11 days ago
44 Apply
Shenzhen, Shanghai, Beijing
Job responsibilities
The role is required to support and maintain Exchange 2016/SharePoint 2016 on a daily basis, this will be included the hardware /software upgrade, data migration as per project requirement. 该职位需要提供Exchange 2016/SharePoint 2016系统的日常支持和维护,这将包括根据项目需求进行硬件/软件升级,数据迁移工作的设计,实施与验证。 • Provide technical expertise to the exchange 2016 migration project 为exchange 2016迁移项目提供专业技术支持 Perform day-to-day L1/L2 support to the mail system which include exchange 2016, Skype 2016, Blackberry work. 提供包括exchange 2016, Skype和BES服务在内的邮件服务系统日常运维支持,提供L1/L2问题判断与解决方案。 • Follow necessary change management processes to perform pre-deployment testing, deploy changes to production server, post validation after changes. 遵循必要的变更管理流程,执行日常变更,这包括部署前测试、将变更部署到生产服务器和变更后的验证。 • Recommend, justify, and implement improvements using an accepted change control methodology 使用必要的变更控制方法,对系统优化、改进提供建议、实验和实施改进 • Troubleshoot and address user exchange, outlook and mobile messenger(Skype) issues and questions 对用户邮件和即时通信系统(Skype)问题进行分析和解决 • Work with regional peers to deliver changes into the production environment that is globally aligned. 与区域同行合作,向全球一致的生产环境交付服务
Job requirements
• 3 years or above experience of Microsoft Exchange Exchange Server 201x support, maintenance and management. 3年以上Microsoft Exchange Exchange Server 201x支持、维护和管理经验。 • Working level knowledge of installing sever OS (windows/linux/VM) and basic configuration. 了解服务器操作系统(windows/linux/VM)的安装和基本配置。 • Experience of Exchange 2016 upgrade, migration. Exchange 2016系统升级或迁移的经验 • Experience in consultative role to gather and understand business needs and goals from senior level executives and build Exchange solutions based on that data. 能够从用户及管理层收集业务需求和目标,并基于这些数据建议和实施解决方案。 • Basic understanding on Cluster, HA solution. 对集群、HA解决方案有基本了解。 • Ability to Demonstrate aptitude for learning and rapidly mastering new applications and technology 具备学习和快速掌握新应用和技术的能力 • Excellent organization and communication skills, both written and verbal 优秀的书面和口头语言组织和沟通能力 • Knowledge with core Microsoft Windows enterprise components to include: Active Directory, SCCM, Skype will be a plus. 熟悉微软Windows企业级产品应用: AD, SCCM, Skype将优先考虑。 • Willing to work in a team that people from different countries with different culture. 有能力与来自不同国家、不同文化的人一起工作。 • Ability to support out of normal working hours. 能够在非正常工作时间提供必要的支持。
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