Native French/Spanish Speaking Teachers for an International School in Beijing-full time (working visa supplied)

25000 CNY~30000 CNY/Per month

1~3 years
Refresh at 5 months ago
77 Apply
Job responsibilities
a) Teaching French/Spanish across a wide range of ages and abilities, and from 6 years old to 15 years old, as required. b) Being responsible for the progress, assessment, welfare and discipline of the pupils she/he teaches under the direction of, and with the support of the Head of Department; c) Enabling pupils to achieve the highest standards at an individual level; d) Monitoring, assessing and the progress of all pupils; e) Identifying any pupil with special learning needs and taking appropriate action; f) Contributing to the preparation of units of work for use throughout the department; g) Familiarize herself/himself with the resources available within the department, the Library and the school in general; h) Valuing the pupils’ work in a variety of ways, including the presentation / publication / display of work for as wide an audience as possible, rapid marking and return of work and also other forms of praise and rewards; i) Setting regularly and marking homework for all pupils in accordance with the school policies; Compensation: Salary: 25000 to 30000 RMB/month, Free 3 meals in the school. Working visa supplied. Workload: 40 working hours per week, including 15-20 teaching hours, weekend off. 7000 RMB flight allowance offered in one year contract Paid summer and winter holiday without working.
Job requirements
Native French/Spanish Speakers. Obtained a bachelor degree 2 years ago or above. Female preferred.
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GEOR Global Subject Teacher Jobs

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Alig international business consulting co. LTD

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