Project Director/Manager/Engineer

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Job responsibilities
1. 项目经理/总监 (一)项目经理工作内容:1、 主持内部项目会议,分配工作任务,明确工作要求,落实各项任务完成的目标时间2、 协调沟通与客户的关系并确保项目顺利实施 。3、 对内统筹项目团队的资源,确保项目按计划进度顺利实施4、 对项目团队进行综合管理,5、 确保新产品按期完成验证,进入量产6、 同业务经理、项目组内部,协调客户要求的变化7、 与上层管理者沟通内部工作任务的资源配给问题8、 跟进各部门工作的衔接,调和项目组成员工作中的冲突与矛盾。1. Project Manager / Director- Project manager job scope:a. Project management skills regarding to different stages, examples: NPI and also to project team. b. Coordinating the change of project schedule between Sale manager and customersc. An overall plan of internal project team’s resources, for ensuring project goes well by pland. Ensuring NPI projects go well into MPe. Maintaining good relationship with customers
Job requirements
总监/经理任职资格:1、 机械,模具等相关专业2、 两年以上相关项目管理经验3、 具有较强的沟通和表达能力4、 敬业、具有团队合作精神5、 积极的工作态度强烈的职业责任感6、 中英文沟通能力强7、 有硅橡胶行业工作经验者优先,有模具设计经验者优先(二)任职资格: 1、相关专业本科以上学历 2、英语四级水平,听说写读基本熟练 3、熟练使用WORD、EXCEL、相关电脑应用 4、 积极的工作态度强烈的职业责任感 5、 敬业、具有团队合作精神- Director/ Manager requirementsa. Background of mechanical, tooling engineering and etc. b. Mechanical experiences & project management experiencesc. Strong communication skill, Chinese and English languages required. d. Aggressive on work and High responsibility. - Engineer requirementsa. Mechanical, tooling engineering degree or above. b. Mechanical experiences & project management experiencesc. English and Chinese: writing leveld. Aggressive on work and High responsibility. e. Good team work
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Rubtop Metal Rubber Co Ltd

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