Game Narrative Designer (25K-50K)

30000 CNY~35000 CNY/Per month

Unlimited experience
Refresh at a year ago
4 Apply
Job responsibilities
• You love the stories that only games can tell. • You care deeply about systems that support the narrative in every nook and cranny of the player experience. • You are excited about the opportunity that evolving multiplayer games provide to tell stories in new ways. • You are deeply passionate about delighting players with characters players can connect to in ways they may not have expected. • You are an amazing collaborator who loves the creative process and working with other creative minds. • You can easily collaborate across design and narrative disciplines, and their varied perspectives on feature development. • You are great at managing tone and style to a consistent experience. • You know how to balance the narrative experience with the player’s objective. • You find time to play video games and empathize deeply with our players because you are a gamer at heart.
Job Requirements
• Brainstorming potential mechanics with the team, helping to find potential issues and solutions to those issues long before the feature is even greenlit. • Collaborating with writers, engineers, artists, and other designers to discuss and detail how a narrative mechanic will work and how your team will approach building it. • Helping a writer understand the varied contexts in which their work will be experienced. • Iterating and meticulously tuning your work in-engine to perfect the way it connects with players. • Helping a gameplay designer come up with an interesting way to communicate a gameplay mechanic with dialogue. • Playtesting with and taking playtest feedback from the entire team. • Balancing narrative mechanics against gameplay mechanics ensuring a sense of clarity, purpose, and meaning behind every moment of the experience. QUALIFICATIONS • Previous experience in writing book, theater, game, narratives • Bachelor degree
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