Philippines Freight Forwarding Manager菲律宾货运代理经理


3~5 years
Refresh at 3 months ago
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Job responsibilities
Job Responsibilities: 1. Fully responsible for international freight forwarding business, including marketing, logistics route selection and planning, maritime supply development and management, customer service and business operations, etc; 2. Responsible for the overall business management of the company's freight forwarding business, establishing a safe, stable, and smooth management and operation system; 3. Pay attention to the development trends of logistics and freight forwarding markets, regularly contact customers, and effectively maintain customer relationships; 4. Responsible for formulating long-term strategies and annual business plans, leading the team to achieve various business and management targets; 5. Participate in actual sales, responsible for driving the team to promote the implementation of various product sales and follow-up, in order to achieve overall performance goals. 岗位职责: 1、全面负责国际货运代理业务工作,包括市场营销,物流线路选择与规划,海运等供应开拓与管理,客服及业务操作等工作; 2、负责公司货代业务整体商务管理,建立安全、稳定、顺畅的管理运作体系; 3、关注物流与货代市场发展动态,定期与客户联系,有效维持客户关系; 4、负责制定长期战略和年度经营工作计划,带领团队完成各项经营指标和管理指标; 5、参与实际销售,负责推动团队推动实施各项产品的销售及后续跟进,以达成整体业绩目标。
Job requirements
Job requirements: 1. Proficient in English listening, speaking, reading, and writing, familiar with the local freight forwarding market in the Philippines, proficient in Chinese, familiar with the local geographical distribution, and those with resident local management experience are preferred; 2. More than 3 years of relevant work experience, proficient in the development direction of international air and sea transportation, with priority given to those with equivalent job experience; 3. We are engaged in providing services for direct customers, such as factories, traders, and other direct customers, offering a one-stop service including towing, customs clearance, inspection, sea freight, and destination port services; 4. Participated in the investment and acquisition of cross-border and Chinese logistics node resource assets, such as investing in container yards, warehouses, fleets, and other businesses; 5. Strong team leadership skills, good communication skills, able to withstand high work pressure, and obey superiors' arrangements. 任职要求: 1、英文听说读写熟练,熟悉菲律宾当地货代市场,熟悉中文,熟悉当地地理分布,有常驻当地管理经验的优先; 2、3年以上相关工作经验,掌握国际空运、海运发展方向,有同等岗位工作经历者优先; 3、从事的是针对于直接客户的服务,如工厂,贸易商等直客,对这些客户提供一条龙服务,拖车,报关,报检,海运,目的港服务等服务; 4、参与过跨国及中国的物流节点资源资产的投资收购,如投资集装箱堆场,仓库,车队等业务; 5、具有较强的团队领导能力,良好沟通能力,能承受较大的工作压力,服从上级安排。
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CIMC World Lianda International Logistics Co., Ltd.

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