Pavel Pochtennov

MaleLive in RussiaNationality Russia

Work experience

Sales director Russia and CIs

Unilumin Grour
2017.08-Current(8 years)
(7 neT 6 MecaueB' Russian Federatior

Sales director Russia and CIS

Unilumin Visua
ceHTA6p9 2016-aBrYcTa 2017(1 rOA) Russian Federatior Attracting new customers, attending exhibitions and sport events, support and control sport projects in the region CROC 11neT 5 MecqueE anpenq 2014 - IoHa 2016(2 rona 3 Mecxua'

Head of AV division

Attracting new customers, entering new markets, finding new solutions increasing the profitability of the direction, control finances and resources beBpanq2013-IoHq 2016(3 rOa5 MecxueB)

Project managel

Attracting new customers, entering new markets, finding new solutions increasing the profitability of the direction, control finances and resources beBpanq 2010 -中eBpana 2013(3 rona 1 Mecxu Russia Making presentations and negotiations, sales of solutions, signing of contracts with customers, meeting deadlines and project financial plan, communication with vendors, signing contracts with vendors. search for new solutions dbeBpan9 2007-deBpan9 2010(3rona 1Mecxu) Russia Preparation and presentation of solutions , preparation of specifications and design documentation , communication with the customer on site, supervisior of works on the subjects Engineel 中eBpan 2005-d中eBpanq 2007(2rona 1Mecqu) Russia Installation, configuration and programming Uniform stroy Engineel cpeBpanq 2004 -c中eBpanq 2005(1 ron 1mecxu) Mosco Working with engineering services and AV projects, computer and SW support O6pa30BaHW6

Educational experience

National Research University - Higher School of Economics

MBA,Strategicalmanaging inIT.
2014.01-2016.01(2 years)

Engineer's degree, Building
1999.01-2004.01(5 years)
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